Due to the rights and obligations of our profession, our Code of Ethics must be clearly defined, to ensure that individual member(s):
(1) Behave at all times with integrity.
(2) Remain aware of their responsibilities to themselves, to society, to their clients, employers and colleagues.
(3) Strive to maintain the highest levels of competence in the area of acoustics.
(4) Seek to enhance and promote the standing of the profession and its practitioners.
1. Responsibility
1.1 The welfare, health and safety of the community must at all times take precedence over sectional, professional and private interests.
1.2 In fulfilment of this requirement members of the Society must:
(a) avoid assignments that may create conflict between the interests of their clients, employers, or employees and the public interest.
(b) conform to acceptable professional standards and procedures, and not act in any manner that may knowingly jeopardise public welfare, health, or safety.
(c) endeavour to promote the well-being of the community, and, if over-ruled in their judgement on this, inform their clients or employers of the possible consequences.
(d) contribute to public discussion on matters within their competence when by so doing the well-being of the community can be advanced.
(e) individual members shall not publically represent the AACI without the prior consent of the committee.
(f) the views and opinions expressed by AACI members on an individual basis are not necessarily (nor should they be) considered as being representative of the collective views of the AACI. While the AACI are likely to form an opinion or a position on specific matters, this will be carried out as part of a collective review process.
2. Advance the Objects of the AACI
2.1 Members must act in such a way as to promote the objectives of the AACI
This includes the following objectives:
(a) To actively participate and attend meetings, to assist in the preparation of guidance documents and to carry out the duties associated with the assigned roles on the AACI committee. The AACI is an active and proactive group that seek to improve acoustic consultancy standards in Ireland and it can only do so by the active participation of its members.
(b) To promote and advance acoustics and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas in relation thereto.
(c) Continuing Professional Development (CPD), allows AACI members to maintain, develop and enhance their professional competency. CPD is essential for the profession to maintain and preserve the integrity of the practitioner, as well as safeguard the client. Continuously educating oneself demonstrates commitment to the importance of the profession as a whole and fosters high standards of protection for clients. The AACI requires Members to take part in CPD on an on-going basis.
(d) To encourage the study of acoustics, highlight excellence in acoustics and to improve and elevate the general and technical knowledge in any manner considered appropriate by the AACI.
(e) To encourage research and assist in the publication of AACI guidance documents as directed by the Committee.
3. Work within Areas of Competence
3.1 Members must perform work ONLY in their areas of competence.
3.2 In all circumstances, members must:
(a) inform their employers or clients if any assignment requires qualifications and/or experience outside their fields of competence, and where possible make appropriate recommendations in regard to the need for further advice.
(b) report, make statements, give evidence or advice in an objective and truthful manner and only on the basis of adequate knowledge.
(c) reveal the existence of any interest, pecuniary or otherwise, that could be taken to affect their judgement in technical matters.
4. Application of Knowledge
4.1 Members must apply their skill and knowledge in the interest of their employer or client, for whom they must act in professional matters as faithful agents or trustees.
4.2 Members must at all times act equitably and fairly in dealing with others. Specifically, they must:
(a) Strive to avoid all known or potential conflicts of interest, and keep employers or clients fully informed on all matters, financial or technical, that could lead to such conflicts.
(b) refuse compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for services on the same project, unless the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties.
(c) neither solicit nor accept financial or other valuable considerations from material or equipment suppliers in return for specification or recommendation of their products, or from contractors or other parties dealing with their employer or client.
5. Reputation
5.1 Members must develop their professional reputation on merit and must act at all times in a fair and honest manner.
5.2 No member may act improperly to gain a benefit and, accordingly, must not:
(a) pay nor offer inducements, either directly or indirectly, to secure employment or engagement.
(b) falsify or misrepresent their qualifications, or experience, or prior responsibilities nor maliciously or carelessly do anything to injure the reputation, prospects, or business of others.
(c) use the advantages of privileged positions to compete unfairly.
(d) fail to give proper credit for the work of others to whom credit is due nor to acknowledge the contribution of others.
(e) become involved with a project on which they know another acoustician is currently engaged by the same client without first taking reasonable steps to inform the other acoustician.
6. Professional Development
6.1 Members must continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall assist in the identification of suitable and appropriate CPD topics and speakers for the group.
6.2 Members must:
(a) strive to extend their knowledge and skills in order to achieve continuous improvement in the science and practice of acoustics.
(b) actively assist and encourage those under their direction or with whom they are associated to advance their knowledge and skills.
Rev3: Issued 14/5/2020