The Association of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland (AACI) is a professional association for qualified acoustic, noise and vibration consultants and other professionals working in the field of acoustics in the Republic.
It is intended that it will continue to assist in shaping and progressing the acoustics industry as it continues to grow, to include assistance in the preparation of guidance documents for government departments, to assist in the design and review of acoustic standards on behalf of NSAI and to ensure that the expertise of qualified professionals is adequately recognised across all government departments, to include building control, the EPA, Local Authorities and relevant institutes.
The AACI has clear and definitive membership criteria and will only accept members who hold third level formal qualifications in acoustics and have met a list of strict criteria to ensure that the highest standards in consultancy and advice can be delivered by its members. As a minimum, all members must hold the Institute of Acoustics postgraduate Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control as well as being able to meet the association’s specific requirements.
The Association of Acoustic Consultants is the EAAs membership society for the Republic of Ireland, since January 2021. This further strengthens and aligns Ireland’s involvement with our European partners, allowing for the continued development of acoustics and acoustic research with the European Union.